Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mickey Mouse for your Mouth

Mickey Mouse is so delicious. Whoulda thunk?

Supplies: 1 box Oreos, 1 container mini Oreos, 1 bag Guittard chocolate chips, 1 bag each Wilton candy melts in red and yellow

1. Prepare by clearing out a section of the freezer, large enough for a cookie sheet, and cover the bottom of a cookie sheet with wax paper. Prearrange large oreos with two mini oreos to fit on the cookie sheet.
2. Poor 1/4 bag of chocolate chips in a bowl and heat in the microwave, stirring every 15-20 seconds.
3. Once the chocolate stirs smooth, dip part of the mini Oreos into the chocolate and place onto a large Oreo on the cookie sheet to form ears. Once each Oreo has "ears", place in the freezer for 20-25 minutes or until the chocolate has frozen/the Oreos have binded.
4. With the ends of your fingers, hold inbetween the ears and at the bottom of the Oreo, and drizzle melted chocolate over the Oreo until completely covered. Place on cookie sheet.
5. Once all Oreos are covered in chocolate, replace in freezer for another 20-25 minutes.
6. Melt Wilton candy melts, following the same instructions as melting chocolate chips. When the candy melts stir smooth, dip the bottom half of the Oreos into the red melt, and use the end of a utensil to add the yellow "buttons" onto one side of the Oreo. Replace in freezer.

Once the entire Oreo has hardened, take a bite, and enjoy!!

Craft on, little birdies

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